Excellent public education is just one of the many reasons why families choose to relocate to Marin County. Our schools are consistently ranked among the top in the country.
In addition, Marin is home to more than 50 private schools. Schools in Marin County offer something for everyone, from a one-room schoolhouse to a democratically run school, where students, teachers, and parents all have equal voice. There are public, Charter, Montessori and Waldorf schools. There are Innovative Programs offered to our students through our Public Schools including Marin School of The Arts, STEM Marin, Biotech Academy, and many more. There are collaborative classrooms and traditional single-grade classrooms.
For more information about schools in Marin visit www.marinschools.org, or visit the individual District websites below.
Revered for her integrity, professionalism, and steadfast commitment, it takes mere minutes with the Bay Area native to get a sense of her warmth and hands-on approach.
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